Thursday, October 8, 2009

Three Universes ?

To continue the previous discussion of 4 Dimensions of Space:

We know that the Universe is constructed with long filaments of galaxies, connected by nodes, and between which lie great voids.

I submit that in the center of those voids, or close to them, the 5th dimension, the fourth dimension of Space, is close to being perfectly symmetrical, a near-perfect in-out dimension, as gravity has little effect far from matter.

As we get closer to the filaments and the massive galaxies, however, we encounter mass and higher levels of gravity. A "tesseract" then gets less symmetrical, it bends.

As we approach the black holes that center most galaxies, any tesseract bends so much that the 4D space becomes parallel to the space in our neighboring Universes, which I speculate are 2 others for a total of 3. Inside black holes' event horizons the 3 Universes merge.

In other words, I speculate that the three Universes, each of which are sandwiched between the other two, merge at black holes which are shared by all three. This may assist in proving 5th dimensionality.

And living where WE live, about 2/3's the way from the Galactic center, we live in a region where yes the Galactic Mass affects us and influences our experimental results, on a cosmological scale.

Why 3 Universes? Why not? The number "3" pops up all the time in Physics.

I am open to the possibility of there being 4 spatial dimensions (and 1 of time), as that would fit nicely with Pyron Theory.

I am equally open to whether or not this idea can be tested or falsified, and how so, if so.

The European Space Agency's Planck and Hershel satellites have achieved the L2 point. Any clue as to when we will have test results?

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